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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Millions of Daffodils!

Last week I heard about a new garden which had opened in Ball Ground, Georgia, so Marshall, Clay and I decided to check it out.  So on Sunday we drove up to Gibbs Gardens to see the (literally) millions  of daffodils blooming on the hills of the gardens.  We spoke with Jim Gibbs, the retired landscaper who spent 32 years creating the gardens.  In addition to the daffodils, there is a rambling Japanese garden with beautiful sculptural trees and 4-5 reflecting ponds.  There is a replica of Monet's waterlily garden and bridge over the future waterlily pond which promises to be beautiful come summer.  We were so impressed we all bought annual memberships so we can return again and again!
On the way home, we felt like we were on a true road trip when we spotted an old general store, an ancient tractor and an aging barn.  You never know what you are going to find when driving through the rural South.  Fortunately, we were able to stop to shoot the scene.   The barn looked like it would fall down if you breathed hard on it, but the texture and shape were asking to be photographed.  Outside the general store was a tree with a birdhouse made out of a boot - pretty creative!

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